Al Nahl 90

1690 Surely Allah enjoins justice kindness and the doing of good to kith and kin 88 and forbids all that is shameful evil and oppressive. 1690 Surely Allah enjoins justice kindness and the doing of good to kith and kin 88 and forbids all that is shameful evil and oppressive.

Allah Enjoins Justice And Good Conduct Surah Nahl Verse 90 Quran Iqrasense Com

And on the day when We raise up in every people a witness against them from among themselves and bring thee as a witness against these.

. Tarteeb e Nuzool70 Tarteeb e Tilawat16 Mushtamil e Para14. To enjoin the good and forbid the evil to promote goodness and strive against evil in every. Web Read various Tafsirs of Ayah 90 of Surah An-Nahl by trusted Tafsir scholars.

Ada berbagai penjelasan dari banyak mufassirun terkait kandungan surat An-Nahl ayat 90 di. Web Surat An-Naĥl The Bee - سورة النحل. Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu berlaku adil dan berbuat kebajikan memberi bantuan kepada kerabat dan Dia melarang melakukan perbuatan keji kemungkaran.

Web Maulana Muhammad Ali 16An-Nahl-90. 90 This Ayah summarizes a Muslims political and social responsibility. This is a portion of the entire surah.

Indeed Allah orders justice and good. Web Home Al-Quran Surah An Nahl Ayat 90 Urdu Translation رکوعاتہا 16. Voice Search Powered by.

Web You can find here complete Surah Nahl Ayat wise so you select Ayat 90 and read it. Web Surah 16 An-Nahl Ayat 90-90. ان الله يامر بالعدل والاحسان وايتاىـئ ذى القربى وينهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر والبغى يعظكم لعلكم.

View more context or the entire surah. Web Alim is a social network platform based on Holy Quran which provide Arabic transliterations online Islamic references and recitation for studying Islam and Quran. Web Paragraf di atas merupakan Surat An-Nahl Ayat 90 dengan text arab latin dan artinya.

89 He exhorts you so that. Farhat Hashmidrfarhathashmi quraniceducationTalim-ul-QurantalimalquranThanks For.

Surat An Nahl 16 58 124 The Noble Qur An القرآن الكريم

Surat An Nahl 16 90 96 The Noble Qur An القرآن الكريم

16 An Nahl 16 90

Surah An Nahl Verse 90 R Islamicquotes

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